Secretary Perdue Welcomes WTO Statement on MRLs

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue issued the following statement in response to the joint statement on pesticide maximum residue levels (MRLs) signed at the 11th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: “The U.S. Department of Agriculture applauds the joint statement on pesticide MRLs issued this week at the WTO ministerial in Buenos Aires. The 17 signatory …

China Phasing Out More Pesticides in Push for Food Safety

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

China will begin eliminating the use of 12 pesticides over the next five years as it looks to improve safety of farm produce. The move comes amid an ongoing campaign to improve the environment and tackle soil pollution, according to Reuters. China has already withdrawn 22 of what the nation classifies as highly toxic pesticides from farm use, and it …