Peterson: Pelosi Didn’t Direct Farm Bill, but Ryan May Have

Dan Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

Republicans in the House have accused Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of pushing Democrats on the House Agricultural Committee to oppose the House version of the farm bill. The biggest objection is over proposed changes to the nutrition title. However, ranking member Collin Peterson of Minnesota told the Hagstrom Report that he hadn’t discussed the farm bill with her until last …

Republicans Deliver Letter to Congressional Leadership Calling on Section 199A Changes

Dan Economy, Industry News Release, Legislative

A group of Republican lawmakers Wednesday sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for changes to Section 199A in the tax code. The group of more than 80 lawmakers says the changes will restore the competitive balance in the agricultural marketplace. Led by Iowa Representative David Young, the group says the changes …