NCBA on Tax Reform Legislation

Dan Cattle, Legislative

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Director of Government Affairs, Danielle Beck, has an update on where things stand concerning comprehensive tax reform legislation in Washington D.C. And she also talks about NCBA’s top goals for tax reform. NCBA continues their new tax-reform issue campaign through September. For more information, visit

Cattlemen Launch Month Long Media Campaign for Comprehensive Tax Reform

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

NCBA Launches new website: The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association kicked off a media and advertising campaign that will shine a spotlight on how various federal tax provisions impact America’s cattle and beef producers. The campaign, which will focus heavily on the death tax, aims to build support in Washington for comprehensive tax reform that makes our tax code fair …

Groups See Pruitt NCBA Video Biased Against WOTUS

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release, Water

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s appearance in a video with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is drawing criticism from critics and so-called government ethics experts. The Cattle Network reports that critics say Pruitt inaccurately uses industry talking points to describe the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule and that his comments sound as if he has already made up …