Senate Passes Continuing Resolution Funding Bill

Dan Economy

Thursday, the U.S. Senate passed a continuing resolution funding bill that after the President’s signature, will go into effect on Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year. The bill, already passed by the House, avoids a government shutdown and provides funding for the federal government through Nov. 21. According to Reece Langley, vice president of Washington operations for …


Mike Tate to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2019

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

Mike Tate, a cotton producer from Huntsville, Ala., was elected National Cotton Council (NCC) chairman for 2019. Named during the NCC’s 2019 annual meeting, held in San Antonio, Texas on February 8-10, Tate moves up from NCC vice chairman to succeed Ron Craft, a cotton producer from Plains, Texas. A graduate of the NCC’s Cotton Leadership Program, Tate previously served …


Survey Suggests Increased Cotton Plantings in 2019

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 14.5 million cotton acres this spring, up 2.9 percent from 2018, according to the National Cotton Council’s (NCC) 38th annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. Upland cotton intentions are 14.2 million acres, up 2.8 percent from 2018, while extra-long staple intentions of 264,000 acres represent a 6.3 percent increase. The survey results were announced …

NCC: New Cotton Policy Gives Much Needed Boost

Dan Cotton, Dairy, Industry News Release

The National Cotton Council (NCC) greatly appreciates Congress’ passage of a supplemental disaster bill that includes critically needed policy that restores eligibility for cotton in the Title I Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs of the farm bill. The legislation also includes important agricultural disaster assistance, as well as additional support to dairy producers. “This measure will provide …

NCC Applauds House Passage of Supplemental Funding Bill with Cotton Policy

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

The National Cotton Council (NCC) applauds the House of Representatives for advancing its Supplemental Appropriations bill that includes critically needed policy to restore eligibility for cotton in the Title I ARC/PLC programs of the farm bill. “NCC has been working with Congress for over two years to seek a legislative solution to improve the effectiveness of the cotton safety net …

What Growers Need to Know about New Restrictions for Dicamba

Dan Cotton, Environment, Soybeans

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced an agreement with Monsanto, BASF and DuPont on measures to further minimize damage to neighboring crops from the use of dicamba formulations used to control weeds in genetically modified cotton and soybeans. Senior Scientist for Regulatory and Environmental Issues at the National Cotton Council (NCC), Steve Hensley, has information for growers on what …

U.S. Cotton Sets Goals to Further Reduce Environmental Footprint

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

With the goal of helping its members meet their current needs while making the world a better place for future generations, the U.S. cotton industry is setting goals aimed to build upon the strong environmental gains already achieved over the past 30 years. “Our industry wants to be the supplier of choice for those who are committed to only buying …