NAFTA Renegotiation Could Send Avocado Prices Soaring

Dan Fruits, Industry News Release, Trade

Avocado prices have reached a record high and a new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) could have U.S. consumers paying even more for the fruit. A group of avocado companies recently wrote the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office predicting prices could rise, depending on whether the Trump administration, in renegotiating NAFTA, changes rules on anti-dumping and countervailing duties. The letter …

NAFTA Round Two Concludes in Mexico City

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Round two of the renegotiation talks regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was largely uneventful, according to those included in the talks. While the U.S. is suggesting a deal can be completed by the end of this year, many see the slow progress as an indication of a much longer negotiation process. Mexico’s top agriculture official told Bloomberg, …

Some Speculate Trump May Terminate NAFTA as a Negotiation Tactic

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada-based Global News reports U.S. President Donald Trump may terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to get more from Mexico and Canada during the ongoing renegotiation effort. Round two of the negotiations started Friday in Mexico City, Mexico. Most analysts believe the heated rhetoric is a negotiating tactic – but that doesn’t mean Trump won’t actually start the …

American Trucking Industry Watching NAFTA Negotiations Closely

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

September brings a new round of negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). One group keeping an eye on how things progress is the American Trucking Associations. Bob Costello, chief economist and senior vice president, says the truckers have a big stake in the outcome. Since NAFTA was first implemented, truckers now move 71 percent of the total …

Perdue Talks NAFTA Benefits with Trump

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump is once again threatening to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement. USDA Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue spoke with the president this week about the merits of the trade deal. Bloomberg says Perdue is working to convince Trump that NAFTA has been a boon to agriculture. Perdue said the deal does have “rough edges” that could …

Officials from Mexico Visited Washington After NAFTA Threats

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Two government officials from Mexico were in Washington D.C. earlier this week, following threats by President Donald Trump to terminate the North American Free Trade Agreement. While Canada and Mexico have both dismissed Trump’s threats as a negotiating tactic, two officials traveled to Washington on what the Mexican Government called a “pre-planned” trip. A source in the foreign ministry of …

Mexico Won’t Negotiate NAFTA Via Twitter

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Mexico declared over the weekend the nation would not negotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement via social media. The announcement followed another post on Twitter by President Donald Trump calling NAFTA the “worst deal ever made.” Trump wrote on Twitter that Canada and Mexico were being “very difficult” and suggested he “may have to terminate” the trade agreement. Many …

Putnam Supports 2017 National Trade Policy Agenda

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Trade

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam H. Putnam sent a letter to the House Committee on Ways and Means, voicing his support of the 2017 National Trade Policy Agenda. This agenda will help create a more even playing field for America’s farmers, ranchers and businesses. The following is an excerpt from the letter: “I applaud the Trump Administration’s National Trade Policy …

U.S. and Mexican Dairy Industries Make United Call

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. and Mexican dairy industries released a unified list of priorities today that includes modernizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to solidify their strong dairy market partnership, and addressing concerns about Canadian and European dairy policies. A list of nine shared priorities was agreed upon Thursday at a second annual summit meeting here between leaders of the …

NAFTA Nations Sign Non-Disclosure Agreement

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S., Canada, and Mexico signed non-disclosure agreements before negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement got underway. Officials from Mexico last week confirmed the non-disclosure agreements to Reuters, which reports that the first round of talks this month concluded with signs of deep division on key issues. Per the non-disclosure agreements, each government is barred from distributing texts, …