Got Jobs? Dairy Does

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The newspaper headlines in 2018 have painted a grim portrait of the difficult financial conditions facing many of America’s dairy farmers.  The prolonged slump in milk prices we’ve been going through has taken a painful toll on farmers, raising questions about the outlook not just for individual farms, but for the entire U.S. dairy sector.  Hopefully, the recent positive movement …

Spending Bill Includes Victory for Milk Labeling Standards

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The omnibus spending bill passed by the House and Senate last week included language regarding milk labeling. The bill directs the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to take action against mislabeled imitation dairy foods, a move the National Milk Producers Federation says is a major victory for farmers and consumers alike. Federation president and CEO Jim Mulhern says the bill …

NMPF on Shoring Up the Dairy Safety Net

Dan Dairy

The National Milk Producers Federation March CEO’s Corner titled, “Congress Shores up the Dairy Safety Net,” is now available on the NMPF website. But in his March column, NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern reviews the changes they worked with Congress on to make in the dairy safety net, and discusses how these changes will benefit dairy farmers. He notes it …

NMPF Proposal to Improve H-2A for Dairy Advances Thanks to Rep. Newhouse

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

In a meeting with Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA), National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Jim Mulhern expressed appreciation on behalf of the nation’s dairy farmers for the congressman’s work to advance NMPF’s proposal to expand the H-2A farm worker visa program to include year-round employees on dairy farms. During consideration Wednesday of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s annual …

Demonstrating Careful Antibiotic Stewardship

Dan Dairy

by Jim Mulhern, President, and CEO National Milk Producers Federation The rise in antibiotic-resistant bacteria seen in the United States and elsewhere in the world is frequently and unfairly blamed on antibiotic use in agriculture. This is unfortunate because it tends to mask the real problem: misuse of antibiotics in human medicine. The reality is that the vast majority of …

Bipartisan Congressional Letter Voices Support for Tackling of Canada’s Protectionist Dairy Practices

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Adding to the groundswell of recognition that Canada’s protectionist dairy policies are harmful to U.S. dairy exports, a bipartisan group of 68 members of the House of Representatives wrote to President Donald Trump yesterday urging him to insist that Canada comply with its dairy trade commitments, including those under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). At a time when questions are arising about the future of the …

NMPF Statement on President Trump’s Comments on Dairy Trade Dispute with Canada

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Statement of Jim Mulhern, President and CEO, National Milk Producers Federation “We thank President Donald Trump for speaking out today in Wisconsin against the harmful pricing policy Canada implemented in an effort to stifle competition with the United States. We have repeatedly stressed that trade must be fair and that all countries should be held accountable when they break the …

Don’t Let the Tail Wag the Dog

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

by Jim Mulhern, President, CEO National Milk Producers Federation If experience is the best teacher, Congress should have learned an important lesson from the experience with the dairy Margin Protection Program during the past two years: letting policy be dictated by an inaccurate Congressional Budget Office computer model that attempts to predict costs of a proposed program 10 years into …

Strengthening Dairy Safety Net Program Must be Priority as Farm Bill Discussions Commence

Dan Dairy, Farm Bill, Industry News Release, Legislative

As Congress begins its deliberations on the next farm bill, improvements to the dairy Margin Protection Program must be a top priority for lawmakers, said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, who spoke today before the House Agriculture Committee. During the farm bill hearing on Capitol Hill, Mulhern told committee members that the dairy Margin …

Farmers Need Solution to Immigration Challenge

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

by Jim Mulhern, President, CEO, NMPF Too many of the nation’s dairy farmers are facing an ongoing, daunting challenge: finding enough American workers to fill jobs on their farms, even when they provide wages higher than those paid by other local jobs.  This “between a rock and hard place” dilemma has grown more acute as the national unemployment rate has …