Agriculture Makes Gains in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

Dan Biofuels/Energy

American farmers and ranchers are producing more food, fibers, and renewable fuels while using fewer resources and more efficient management tactics. The American Farm Bureau Federation’s latest Market Intel reviews trends in U.S. carbon sequestration as climate-smart farming practices increase. It reveals that U.S. carbon sinks offset 12% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sequester 764 million metric tons during …

Walmart Launches Project Gigaton to Reduce Emissions in Company’s Supply Chain

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Through release of a sustainability toolkit, Walmart asks suppliers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one gigaton – the equivalent to taking more than 211 million passenger vehicles off of U.S. roads for an entire year During Walmart’s annual Milestone Summit, the company launched a sustainability platform inviting suppliers to join Walmart in committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting …