Consumers See ‘Organic’ and ‘non-GM’ Food Labels as Synonymous

Dan Genetically Modified, Industry News Release, Organic

A study by University of Florida shows consumers regularly mix up food labels. University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences says consumers mix up foods labeled “organic” and “non-genetically modified” and some view the two labels as the same. A national survey of more than 1,000 consumers gauged their willingness to pay for food labeled genetically modified versus …

UF Study: Consumers See ‘Organic’, ‘Non-GM’ Food Labels as Synonymous

Dan Florida, Genetically Modified, Industry News Release

Consumers are confused between foods labeled as “organic” and “non-genetically modified,” according to a new study led by a University of Florida professor. In fact, researchers found that some consumers view the two labels as synonymous. When Congress approved the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard in June 2016, lawmakers allowed companies two years – until June 2018 – to label …