Southeast WOTUS Roundtable 1

Dan Legislative, Water, WOTUS Act

Roundtables continue on the topic of the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. In June of last year, the EPA and ACE announced their intention to rewrite the rule. It is a concern for farmers, ranchers, and agriculture groups around the nation. The government agencies agreed to allow ten regional roundtable discussions with …

Florida Farm Bureau President Announces Retirement

Dan Florida

(Gainesville, FL/July 21, 2021) — Today I announce my retirement as the president of Florida Farm Bureau Federation effective at the end of my term, which concludes at the Florida Farm Bureau annual meeting in October. I have received a perfect ????, symbolizing the cherished memories and achievements of my time in this role. I am so appreciative of everyone who has …

Farm Bureau Gears Up to Fight for Florida Ag

Dan Florida, Legislative

The Florida legislative session begins next week, and Florida Farm Bureau (FFB) is ready for a busy session. Adam Basford, FFB legislative affairs director, is gearing up to fight for Florida agriculture. Every year, FFB has multiple priorities to bring to legislators. For this session, one of the biggest focus points will be on the damage caused by Hurricane Michael, …