Robust Debate Expected on E-Verify in Florida

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

(NSF) — Gov. Ron DeSantis will prioritize a controversial proposal that would require Florida businesses to use a federal system to check the immigration status of new hires, but the leader of the Florida Senate said Tuesday he is “cautious” about passing such a plan. “I expect there will be a robust debate, but the case is going to have …

E-Verify Plan a Heavy Lift

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration, Legislative

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign vow to require Florida businesses to use federal “E-Verify” checks on the immigration status of new hires remains a tougher lift than his call for a sanctuary-city ban, which is speeding through the Legislature. But he’s not giving up, even as he blames a lack of unanimity among Republican lawmakers for slowing the red-meat proposal that …

Immigration Verification Proposal Scuttled

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Florida businesses won’t have to worry about voters requiring them to verify the immigration status of new employees. The state Constitution Revision Commission on Monday rejected a proposal that would have asked voters in November to require businesses to use a system similar to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Employment Authorization Program, known as E-Verify, to determine immigration-related eligibility …

E-Verify Requirement Sought in Florida

Dan Industry News Release, Labor and Immigration

Florida businesses would have to verify through the federal government that newly hired employees aren’t undocumented immigrants, under a measure that moved closer Tuesday to appearing before voters in 2018 despite opposition from agriculture interests. A panel of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission unanimously backed a proposal (P 29) that would require all employers in Florida to use the U.S. …