Clovis Nomination Sent to the Senate

Dan Industry News Release

The White House has sent the U.S. Senate the presidents nomination of Sam Clovis to a top Department of Agriculture post. The Senate confirmed this week it received President Trump’s nomination of Clovis as the USDA undersecretary for research, education, and economics, according to the Hagstrom Report. The nomination is coming under some scrutiny, as Senate Agriculture top Democrat Debbie …

Crop Insurance Comments Could Jeopardize Clovis Nomination

Dan Industry News Release

Comments made by Senate Agriculture Committee leaders suggest that Sam Clovis’s position on crop insurance could jeopardize his nomination for a top post at the Department of Agriculture. Senate Agriculture Ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow and Chairman Pat Roberts both eluded to the nominee’s statements on crop insurance. Clovis has previously questioned the constitutionality of crop insurance. Stabenow said: “It is …

Farm Groups Support Clovis Nomination

Dan Industry News Release

While some lawmakers have voiced concerns, agriculture groups Monday vocalized support for the nomination of Sam Clovis to a Department of Agriculture position. President Trump announced he would nominate Clovis to serve as the USDA undersecretary for research, education, and economics, which also serves as the departments chief scientist. Senate Agriculture Committee ranking member Debbie Stabenow, Senate Appropriations Committee ranking …

Stabenow States Concern with Clovis Nomination

Dan Industry News Release

Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow is concerned that Sam Clovis is not qualified to be an Agriculture Department Undersecretary. In a statement last week, Stabenow said: “This nominee seems to lack the necessary agricultural science and research qualifications that are required by the Farm Bill.” President Trump announced he would nominate Clovis to serve as the USDA Under …

McKinney, Clovis, Officially Nominated for USDA Posts

Dan Industry News Release

President Donald Trump has nominated Ted McKinney for Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs and Dr. Sam Clovis for Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics. Both have long been rumored to take top seats at the Department of Agriculture for months. McKinney currently serves as the director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Clovis was …