Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance Details

Dan Dairy, Economy

Last week, it was announced that local crop insurance agents will soon have a new product for dairy producers that covers unexpected declines in quarterly milk sales receipts. Risk Management Agency (RMA) Administrator Martin Barbre explains how the new Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance product will work. Dairy Revenue Protection Insurance Details Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers …

New Dairy Support Program Awaits USDA Approval

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

Times have been tough in the American dairy industry. Overproduction has led to a lot of supply, which has pushed down beyond the break-even point. There have been some dairy support programs, including the most recent Margin Protection Program. However, the program is flawed, with farmers and farm-state legislators calling for changes. Marin Bozic, Assistant Professor with the University of …