Pushing for Improved Dairy-Pricing

Dan Dairy, Marketing

Many dairy producers have suffered losses due to the extreme price disruptions that have been caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) is calling for changes to the so-called Class I fluid milk price mover to help producers recover from those losses. They note dairy farmers may lose roughly $800 million in revenues under the current Class …

Canada Says No NAFTA Dairy Negotiating Room with TPP 11 Agreement

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

With an agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership in place, Canada says there is now no room to negotiate it’s dairy pricing scheme through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). TPP-11, as it’s called, will be signed in March by the 11 remaining member countries. The agreement was reached a day shy of a year after President Trump removed the …