Kansas Representative Exploring Ways to Trade with Cuba

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A U.S. representative is seeking ways to open markets with Cuba. Roger Marshall, a Republican from Kansas, spoke with Cuba’s President earlier this week. The two discussed trade opportunities between Cuba and the U.S., a priority over the last few years for U.S. agriculture and more-so given the current trade climate. Marshall says the U.S. “can and should be Cuba’s …

U.S. Ag Coalition Sponsors U.S.-Cuba Business Meetings

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A coalition of agriculture groups plan a U.S.-Cuba ag business conference in November. The U.S.-Cuba Agriculture Business Conference, according to organizers, comes at a time when U.S. agriculture needs to expand into new markets. Cuba continues to depend on imports for 80 percent of its food supply, and the coalition says Congress is poised in the Farm Bill to allow …

U.S. Food Exports to Cuba Rising

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The hard-line rhetoric against Cuba in Washington, D.C., has led to a chink in the diplomatic ties formed in the Obama-era. However, the amount of food exports going from the U.S. to Cuba paints a very different picture. The U.S-Cuba Trade Economic Council released numbers showing that agricultural exports to Cuba totaled up over $250 million in 2017. Those numbers …

U.S. Ag, Equipment Companies, Benefiting from Trade with Cuba

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

U.S. agriculture is benefiting from trade with Cuba, according to new figures released by the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council. Exports of food and agricultural products from the U.S. to Cuba in November of 2017 were pegged at $21.2 million, compared to $10.59 million in November 2016, and $6.24 million in November of 2015. There were also substantial increases in …

Crawford Renews Calls to Open Ag Trade with Cuba

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Arkansas Representative Rick Crawford is renewing his call to open agricultural trade with Cuba. The Republican says his proposal is an alternative to repealing the Cuban trade embargo, allowing the U.S. to tap into Cuba’s $2 billion agricultural market, according to Politico. Crawford first proposed the bill in January that would cut back restrictions on U.S. financing for agriculture exports, …

John Deere to Supply Tractors in Cuba

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release

In an agreement signed last week, John Deere is expected to be the first direct sale of U.S. machinery to Cuba in more than half a century. An agreement signed at the Havana Fair last week between John Deere executives and Cuba calls for the shipment of “several hundred tractors and associated implements” over a four-year period. Farm Equipment Magazine …

Cuba, Houston, Sign Port Agreement

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

The Port Authority of Houston, Texas and its counterpart in Cuba have signed an agreement of “friendship and commercial cooperation.” The agreement between the two launches an opportunity to “continue trade in agricultural products between the U.S. and Cuba,” according to the Houston Port Authority. The PanAm Post reports that the agreement seeks to facilitate and promote trade, generate new …

Senate Democrats Revive Bill to End Cuba Embargo

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Senate Democrats are pushing back against President Trump concerning Cuba, reviving a bill to lift the U.S. embargo. In mid-June, Trump rolled back former President Barack Obama’s historic opening to the island. The group of Senators, led by Oregon Democrat Ron Wyden, introduced the U.S.-Cuba Trade Act of 2017, which would establish normal trade relations with the island nation, in …

Trump’s Cuba Policy a Lost Opportunity for Agriculture

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump’s Friday announcement on reinstating limits on travel to and business with Cuba may result in lost economic opportunities for corporations, small businesses, and farmers. The new policy will keep U.S. companies from doing direct financial transactions with companies controlled by the Cuban military. Politico’s Morning Agriculture Report says the opportunity for American agriculture to export more products …