Cotton Harvests Near Completion in Georgia

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson The Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team encourage growers to go ahead and pick what crop remains in the field. Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, estimates Georgia producers are approximately 80% to 90% done harvesting this year’s crop. Only a small portion remain.                                           “A lot of this late stuff, last …

Cotton Harvest Picture Is Relatively Good

Dan Cotton

Cotton harvest across the Southeast is getting closer to wrapping up. U.S. Department of Agriculture meteorologist Brad Rippey, says the cotton harvest picture across the nation is better than the five-year average. In Alabama, 94 percent of the cotton crop has been harvested, which compares to only 78 percent this time last year; 86 percent is the five-year average.   …

Cotton Harvest Ahead of Last Year

Dan Cotton

While overall cotton harvest numbers are ahead of last year and close to the 5-year average, harvest here in the Southeast is trailing a bit. Stephanie Ho has the story. Cotton Harvest Ahead of Last Year According to USDA’s weekly crop progress report, 79 percent of the Alabama cotton crop had been harvested as of this past Sunday, November 26, …