NCBA Tracking Sackett v. EPA Case

Dan Cattle, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), USDA-EPA

The Supreme Court has been hearing oral arguments in the Sackett v. EPA case. This case considers the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act and will directly impact the Biden administration’s ongoing “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rulemaking. This is the fourth time the court has considered the definition of WOTUS, and 6 of the 9 justices …

Florida Attorney/Farmer Shares Thoughts on WOTUS

Dan Florida, Irrigation, Legislative, Water, WOTUS Act

We continue our series on the Southeast Region WOTUS Roundtable, which was hosted by the North Carolina Farm Bureau. Kate English, who is a farmer and an attorney who is also a part of the Florida Farm Bureau, was one of the speakers.  She said states like Florida already have similar water regulations. “In many instances, Clean Water Act regulations …

Lawmakers Urging Supreme Court to Adopt Limited WOTUS Rule

Dan Legislative, WOTUS Act

A group of lawmakers jointly filed an amicus brief supporting the petitioners in the pending U.S. Supreme Court case Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency. The decision in the case will clarify what waterways are considered “waters of the United States,” or WOTUS, which will determine the scope of the federal government’s authority in regulating private citizens and businesses under the …

Commissioner Fried Comments on Florida Request to Assume EPA Responsibilities on Clean Water Act

Dan Florida, Industry News Release, Water

(FDACS) — On the final day of virtual public hearings on the state of Florida’s request to assume the administration of the Clean Water Act’s Section 404 program from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Commissioner Nikki Fried, an independently-elected member of the Florida Cabinet, offered the following: “Just before an election, the DeSantis administration is furthering their relentless drive to consolidate power, seizing authority from the federal government and …

Farmers Need New Water Rule, Farm Bureau Tells Senate

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The EPA’s latest proposal to define which waters can be regulated by the federal government and which by state and local authorities is a vast improvement over previous efforts, Wyoming Farm Bureau President Todd Fornstrom told the Senate Subcommittee on Fisheries, Waters, and Wildlife. Expensive professional services needed to comply with the Clean Water Act, he said, too often make …

New State Authority Over Local Waters a Boon to Farmers and Ranchers

Dan Industry News Release, Water

The Trump administration’s decision to return water-permitting authority to more states means faster, better and more affordable decision-making for all Americans. Under terms of an agreement signed by the U.S. Army, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Justice Department and the White House, states can assume authority to issue permits for earth moving in and around regulated waterways, wetlands and land …

Over Regulation Threatens Family Farms, AFBF President Duvall Tells Senate

Dan Industry News Release, Legislative

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall, in testimony before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, recounted a long list of regulatory abuses and missteps by the federal government. Drawing on his two years as president of the nation’s largest farming organization, Duvall called for bipartisan cooperation in reducing over regulation, which has been a target of administrations …

Roberts Joins Bipartisan Bill to Relieve Farmers of Redundant Regulation

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts announced his support Tuesday for a bill that would eliminate redundant federal permitting requirements for pesticide applications. Sponsored ContentCIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsMarch 1, 2025Nuseed Carinata Covers New GroundOctober 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024