Mexico Not Ruling Out Quick NAFTA Result

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Mexican Foreign Minister says he’s not ruling out a quick ending to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks. Reuters says the top Mexican diplomat says progress is being made on several issue-specific tables of the negotiations. The U.S., Canada, and Mexico’s top negotiators were meeting late in the week to continue discussions. The talks have moved slowly …

U.S. Talking With Other Countries About Tariff Exemptions

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The U.S. is currently discussing the possibility of steel and aluminum tariff exemptions with a handful of other countries. A Reuters report says America is currently in talks with the European Union, Australia, and Argentina. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer testified before the House Ways and Means Committee Wednesday that President Donald Trump will soon make a decision on imposing …

Mexico, Canada Don’t Want Tariff Exemptions Tied to NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Mexico and Canada were happy to hear about President’s Trump’s willingness to exclude them from tariffs on steel and aluminum exports to the U.S. However, they expect any talks about a possible permanent exemption to take place outside of the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations. Politico quotes the Mexican Economy Ministry in a release that says, “The process of …

Canada Staying Calm and Constructive Amidst Trade Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

As President Donald Trump has ratcheted up the conversation on trade, Canada is sticking to it’s “keep-calm” strategy. While the European Union immediately offered a list of targeted U.S. products in response to Trump’s tariff plan for steel and aluminum, Reuters says Canada is trying to stay constructive, and use negotiations for a better outcome. For now, the tariff plan …

Trump Tells Canada he wants “Fair” NAFTA Deal

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

President Donald Trump told Canada he wants a fair North American Free Trade Agreement. Speaking over the phone earlier this week to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump said he supported an agreement that is “fair to all three countries,” adding that the current deal leaves the U.S. with a trade deficit, according to Politico. The conversation came shortly after …

NAFTA Exit Would Trigger 15 cent Mexican Sugar Tariff

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would revert the U.S. tariff on sugar imports from Mexico to 15 cents per-pound, the level in place before NAFTA went into effect. A trade adviser to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told a meeting of the sweetener industry this week that NAFTA eliminated the U.S. tariff on sugar, but Mexican sugar …

Canada: Trade Problems Expected with the U.S. Even if NAFTA is Signed

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada expects trade challenges from the U.S. will continue even if the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks are successful. A senior Canadian government official says: “Even if a new NAFTA were to be signed tomorrow I think we would still face a lot of turbulence in our relationship with the United States on trade.” Timothy Sargent, the top …