Canada Dairy Organization Turns Down Trudeau Meeting

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release, Trade

Dairy Farmers of Canada have rejected a meeting request from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The organization rejected the meeting because of the “absence of details on measures to mitigate the impact of the concessions” made in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The agreement, which replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement, grants U.S. dairy more market access to Canada. Dairy Farmers …

Perdue Comments on Canada Dairy Issue

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

The topic of Canada’s Class 7 milk pricing program came up during a news conference with Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue during the NAFB Convention last week in Kansas City, Missouri. Perdue says the new program is using supply management with a quota. Perdue says that he doesn’t expect Canada to end its supply management program, but says they need to …