Cotton Board Publishes 2017 Annual Report

Dan Cotton, Industry News Release

The Cotton Board 2017 Annual Report is now available online. To download the report, visit: The report offers a letter from Louisiana cotton producer, George LaCour Jr., who served as Cotton Board’s 2017 chairman. In LaCour’s letter he says, “The leadership of the Cotton Board and Cotton Incorporated used the several years of declining revenue to sharpen our strategic planning, …

Fertilizer Institute Issues Annual Industry Report

Dan Industry News Release

The Fertilizer Institute 2017 State of the Fertilizer Industry report shows a continued investment in nutrient management and stewardship, among other things. Organizers say the annual report, which is part of the organizations stewardship and sustainability programs, quantifies the industry’s performance record on environmental, economic and social indicators. The report also documents the fertilizer industry’s contribution to meeting the United …