Kansas Senator Says Keep Pressure on Administration to Finish NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Kansas Republican Senator Jerry Moran headlined a weekend discussion at the American Farm Bureau national convention titled “What’s the latest on the upcoming Farm Bill?” Moran said it was a great opportunity to speak before Farm Bureau members regarding the upcoming farm bill, the farm safety net, and the importance of protecting the rural way of life across America. “I’ve …

USDA Under Secretary Confident Good Neighbor Relations Will Prevail in NAFTA Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Current North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations are a lot like a Sumo wrestling match, according to Ted McKinney, under secretary of trade and foreign agricultural affairs for the Agriculture Department. He said there is an extraordinary amount of posturing in the circle, but he is hopeful that the United States, Canada and Mexico will meet in the middle …

Roberts: Trump Listening to Senate NAFTA Concerns

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts says President Donald Trump “really listened to our concerns” regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). During a meeting between lawmakers and the President last week, Roberts says he “delivered the message that farmers and ranchers need to grow export markets and maintain our status as a reliable supplier.” A White House statement mentioned …

NAFTA Concerns with AFB Pres. Zippy Duvall

Dan Trade

It seems trade issues abound as we enter the new year of 2018. In this radio brief from our network headlines this week, American Farm Bureau President “Zippy” Duvall, who is from one of the states where specialty crop producers are not so happy about NAFTA, briefly shares his concerns about the renegotiation efforts underway for NAFTA, which will soon …

Trade Disputes with China Could Impact US Agriculture

Dan Trade

In this short radio piece from our New Years Week coverage, some concerns are being voiced about possible trade disputes in the works with China, and how disagreements over manufactured goods could again have grave and unintended consequences for U.S. agriculture. Trade Disputes with China Could Impact US Agriculture Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundJuly 15, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly …

Farmers Respond to Poll on NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The bi-monthly Farm Journal Pulse Survey recently asked farmers a simple question: “Do you think the U.S. should withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement?” About one-third of the nearly 900 responses were positive. Producers who voted for getting rid of the agreement did so because they believe the Ag economy would be better off without the trade deal …

Efforts Moving Ahead to Modernize KORUS

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Efforts by the U.S. and South Korea are moving ahead to modernize the 2011 Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, or ‘KORUS,’ a key trade agreement for the U.S. pork and beef industries. The South Korean government sent its parliament a plan to renegotiate KORUS and announced it’s ready to start talks. The White House must tell Congress it plans to launch …

Canada Executives Urging Trudeau to Join U.S.-Free TPP

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Business leaders in Canada are trying to sway Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to join the now U.S.-free Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. In an open letter, more than a dozen business leaders are telling Trudeau to join the pact that the U.S. left earlier this year. Canada-based Business News Network reports the letter doesn’t specifically mention the threat of a …

Ag, Business Community, Share Trade Concerns

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A meeting with lawmakers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last week focused on trade. Hosted by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and others, the forum specifically focused on the future of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Business leaders, along with the agriculture industry, were included in the meeting. Wisconsin Farm Bureau President Jim Holte says the message was clear: trade is important. …

Duvall on NAFTA: I’m Concerned But Optimism Remains

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

As the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations continue, much is up in the air, and how it could impact the agriculture community. President Trump said he wanted to rework the more than 20-year-old trade deal, to make it fairer for American workers. However, much of the agriculture community is happy with the current NAFTA deal, and worry that …