Cattlemen on TPP Moving Forward Without U.S.

Dan Cattle, Trade

It was announced this week the 11 nations that moved forward without the United States on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) have reached a final agreement. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Director of International Trade and Market Access, Kent Bacus, says TPP would have been a great opportunity for U.S. beef. Cattlemen on TPP Moving Forward Without US from NCBA: Cattlemen …

Study: Killing NAFTA Kills Manufacturing, Agriculture Jobs

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

A new report by Business Roundtable suggests that ending the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would result in job losses of more than 1.8 billion in the United States. As negotiators are meeting in Canada this week, the report was released to “urge the administration to take into account the potential damage of withdrawing from NAFTA.” Drafting two scenarios, …

TPP Talks Continue as Canada Shows Hesitation

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade officials gathering this week in Tokyo are trying to forge ahead on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) without the United States but are bogged down by Canada. The member countries of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, also known as TPP 11, reached a basic agreement on the pact in November. But, Canada is holding out to secure …

Another Round of NAFTA Talks Getting Underway

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade negotiators are in Montreal for the next round of talks regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The session could be the last round of significant talks before the Mexican presidential campaigns which lead up to a July first election, making negotiations too difficult, according to the Hagstrom Report. The talks will last until January 29th, when the …

Cattle Producers Uneasy with Trade Issues

Dan Cattle, Trade

The beef industry, like many others in agriculture, knows the importance of trade with other countries. One of the biggest is the North American Free Trade Agreement, as NAFTA is important to the beef industry. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) senior vice president of government affairs, Colin Woodall, knows there is some uneasiness right now as to what will happen …

Mexican Ambassador says NAFTA Negotiations Are Making Progress

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Mexican Ambassador to Washington tells Bloomberg that the U.S., Canada, and Mexico have general agreement on 40 percent of the topics being renegotiated in the NAFTA talks. Geronimo Gutierrez says Mexico may also be willing to accept an increase in the minimum regional content for automobiles traded under the deal. Gutierrez says Mexico is focusing on increasing employment, something …

Former Ag Secretary says Trump Understands Importance of NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Trade negotiators are gearing up for the next round of talks on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Canada. Some industry stakeholders are frustrated because they feel not enough progress has been made so far. Mike Johanns, a former Ag Secretary, says, “So far, the negotiations really haven’t gone anywhere.” There are stakeholders in agriculture who wonder if …

NAFTA on Farmers’ Minds, China Bigger Trade Challenge

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) talks may be foremost on farmers’ minds these days, but two deputy U.S. Trade Representative nominees told Senate Finance members, China is the bigger trade challenge. President Trump tapped Dennis Shea to be a deputy U.S. Trade Representative to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, and Shea, who’s headed the China-U.S. Economic and …

Agri View: Withdrawing from NAFTA

Dan Agri View, Trade

Everett Griner talks about withdrawing from NAFTA, North American Free Trade Agreement, could be disastrous for agriculture in today’s Agri View. Agri View: Withdrawing from NAFTA There is a lot about NAFTA that most Americans don’t understand. In fact, I would say there is very little they do understand. Here are just a few things that economist say would most …