McKinney Updates U.S. Grains Council on Trade Negotiations

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Affairs, Ted McKinney, addressed the delegates and members of the U.S. Grains Council early this week. He gave them updates on ongoing trade negotiations that will affect global grains market access. McKinney also announced a $1.3 million-dollar grant for Council feed industry training programs in North Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. …

Canada Says Serious Challenges Remain in NAFTA Talks

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Some serious challenges remain to be overcome before Canada will ever sign off on a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). Canada’s Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland, says hardline demands for reforms from the U.S. are the biggest of those challenges. Freeland told the House of Commons foreign affairs committee that Canada will only accept a deal that’s in their nation’s …

New U.K. Trade Commissioner to Focus on North America

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The United Kingdom has hired a trade commissioner to focus specifically on North America. Ramping up efforts to prepare for post-Brexit trade negotiations, the U.K. hired two regionally focused trade commissioners that leadership says will lead trade relations with “key markets of the future.” Antony Phillipson, the current director-general of international trade in North America, has been tapped to serve …

Canada Toughens NAFTA Stance

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a move out of President Trump’s playbook over the weekend, offering his own threats to walk away from the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). Trudeau says there are several reasons Canada could choose not to accept the re-negotiated agreement. Speaking at a town-hall event, Bloomberg reports that Trudeau said: “Canada is willing to walk …

Australia Touts Benefits of U.S. Re-joining TPP

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

In a Washington, D.C. speech Monday, an Australian trade official stressed the benefits of the U.S. rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Australian Ambassador to the U.S. Joe Hockey addressed the Washington International Trade Association Monday afternoon, and spoke on the need to engage with the Asia-Pacific region for security and economic reasons, according to Politico. In prepared remarks, Hockey stated: …

State Ag Officials Want Bilateral Trade Talks to Commence

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

State agriculture officials are questioning the Trump Administration on the promise of creating new bilateral trade deals. During a meeting in Washington, D.C. this week, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture members commented on the lack of new bilateral agreements, as promised by the administration a year ago. Trump promised bilateral agreements as he withdrew the U.S. from …

Farmers Pressuring Trump Administration on Trade

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Agriculture groups have increased their pressure on the U.S. to negotiate and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement, rather than withdraw. U.S. Representative Ron Kind, a Democrat from Wisconsin, says farmers voices are being heard by the president and trade negotiators. Trade Kind, who supports modernizing the trade agreement, says there are ways to improve the agreement without losing …

National Cotton Council Closely Watching NAFTA Renegotiations

Dan Cotton

The National Cotton Council continues its work on various issues of interest to growers, one of those being trade. NCC’s Vice President of Washington Operations, Reece Langley, was in the Southeast this week attending the Georgia Cotton Commission’s annual meeting in Tifton. He said they are closely watching the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiations. National Cotton Council Closely …

Senator Says Trump Can’t Unilaterally Withdraw from NAFTA

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico is urging Congress to “step up” and tell President Trump that there is widespread support for the North American Free Trade Agreement modernization effort, but not an exit from the trade deal. The Democrat says Trump “cannot unilaterally repeal” trade laws regarding NAFTA, “even if he can issue unilateral statements” regarding NAFTA participation, according …