Everett Griner talks about invasive disease problems, which have been imported through natural causes, for farmers in today’s Agri View. Imported Invasive Disease Problems I mentioned several times, once just recently, about farm losses from hurricanes or tornadoes that get little public attention. These weather disasters can cause other losses, or problems, for farmers that are seldom made public. For …
Agri View: Women Cattle Ranchers
Everett Griner talks about how women can be successful ranchers in today’s Agri View. Women Cattle Ranchers It is an established fact that women are now a part of agriculture. I saw a figure of what percentage of farms were owned by women recently. Some parts of being a woman on a farm are much harder for her than for …
Agri View: High Cost of Wildfires
Everett Griner talks about the high cost of wildfires in today’s Agri View. High Cost of Wildfires There is no such thing as putting an end to wildfires. Unlike hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes, wildfires generally hit farmers and foresters harder than it does urban dwellers. Look at what occured in Oklahoma back in April. It cost cattle ranchers over 26 …
Agri View: Beef Exports Challenged
Everett Griner talks about beef exports being challenged in the United States, and the affect Australia will have on our exports of beef, in today’s Agri View. Beef Exports Challenged U.S. cattlemen, the largest producers in the world, are also the world’s largest exporters of beef. Japan and South Korea are the biggest importers. Followed by Canada and Mexico. When …
Agri View: Producing Tea in America?
Everett Griner talks about areas in the United States now producing tea in today’s Agri View. Producing Tea in America? I have been told if it can be grown anywhere in the world, it can be grown in America. We grow some of the largest crops in the world, and some of the smallest. What about tea? It is a …
Agri View: Importance of World Trade
Everett Griner talks about the importance of world trade in today’s Agri View. Importance of World Trade You know not many people realize, or do they have interest in, world trade. It is something that doesn’t come up for discussion very often. We have so many special occasions. Why would the average person even acknowledge world trade? The question is-where …
Agri View: Non-Dairy Milk Source Accepted
Everett Griner talks about the non-dairy milk from nuts and vegetables being accepted in today’s Agri View. Non-Dairy Milk Source You know milk cows are one of the oldest animals on this planet. Certainly one of the oldest domesticated. Not the only animal that gives milk, but it gives more than other animals. I would imagine that any female animal …
Agri View: College Careers in Agriculture
Everett Griner talks about college careers in agriculture expanding in today’s Agri View. College Careers in Agriculture I think I have covered this before but it is worth another shot. More students are studying agriculture in college than ever before. Choice careers is nothing to compare with 30 years ago. It has always been agricultural engineering. It is bigger now …
Agri View: Farming Problems
Everett Griner talks about the difficulty of farming in today’s Agri View. Farming Problems A North Carolina hog farmer was fined $50 million dollars because of some of the displeasure of some of the people near his farm. Yet he operated under every state and federal regulation required. A community fought vigorously to stop a meat processing plant in Kansas. …
Agri View: The Versatile Potato
Everett Griner talks about the potato being the world’s most versatile vegetable in today’s Agri View. The Versatile Potato When was the last time you ate a potato? I bet it hasn’t been to long. More potatoes are eaten by more people than any other vegetable in the world. But let’s talk here in America. White potatoes, red potatoes, sweet …