Grassley Slams EPA RFS Proposal to Cut Biodiesel

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency announced it’s considering a new proposal to reduce 2018 biodiesel, advanced biofuel, and total Renewable Fuel Standard volumes, in addition to a prior proposal to cut 2019 volumes. that has ethanol supporters ‘hopping mad.’ Ethanol Industry groups swiftly responded with press releases that the EPA proposal was unjustified, unneeded, contrary to the RFS’s intent, and would …

USDA Agency-led Group Profiles U.S. Aquaculture for World Report

Dan Aquaculture, Industry News Release

Charting a course ahead for the conservation and sustainable farming of freshwater and marine species is a chief focus of the first State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report will contain smaller subsections from 89 contributing countries, including the United States. This summer, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) national program leader Caird …

Perdue Statement on President Trump’s Tax Reform Agenda

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue applauded President Donald J. Trump’s vision of a broad reform of the American tax code, which will result in dramatic tax cuts for millions of American individuals, families, businesses, and family farmers, ranchers, and foresters. Secretary Perdue issued the following statement: “The people of American agriculture work hard every day to provide food, fiber, and …

American Farm Bureau Encouraged by Tax Framework, but Refinement Needed

Dan Industry News Release

The following may be attributed to American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: “Comprehensive tax reform is essential to addressing the financial challenges faced by America’s farmers and ranchers. The tax-reform framework announced today is an important step toward a fair and equitable tax system that encourages success, savings, investment, and entrepreneurship. “Farm Bureau is encouraged to see that this …

UF Expert Helps Ensure “Grain Train” Gets Through

Dan Dairy, Industry News Release

As Hurricane Irma barreled toward Florida in early September, she threatened to starve thousands of dairy cows by delaying the grain train – two dozen freight cars of feed commodities bound for the Lake Okeechobee area. The crisis was resolved by a team that included a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) expert and representatives of …

Senior Senate Tax Writing Committee Member Expects Estate Tax Repeal

Dan Economy, Industry News Release

A senior member of the Senate tax-writing committee expects estate tax repeal, a key for agriculture, to survive in a GOP-crafted tax reform proposal. GOP tax reform details are being announced this week and Former Senate Finance Chair and senior member Chuck Grassley says estate tax repeal is still ‘in play,’ despite media reports that the White House and lawmakers …

Coffee Supplies May Drop on Low Farm Earnings

Dan Industry News Release

International coffee growers are warning fewer coffee supplies may be in the future as coffee farmers are earning very little globally. The International Coffee Organization this week said farmers’ low earnings in many countries were depressing supply even as demand grows around two percent annually, according to Reuters. Rabobank last month forecast a 2017-18 global coffee deficit of 6.1 million …

Hurricanes Devastate Puerto Rico Agriculture

Dan Industry News Release

Hurricanes Irma and Maria combined destroyed about 80 percent of crops in Puerto Rico. The damage is so heavy that one farmer told the Seattle Times there is “no more agriculture” on the island. Across the island, Maria’s took out entire plantations and destroyed dairy barns and industrial chicken coops. Plantain, banana, and coffee crops were the hardest hit. The …

CropLife America CEO to Retire

Dan Industry News Release

CropLife America CEO Jay Vroom will retire at the end of 2018, ending nearly 30 years leading the organization. Vroom announced his retirement plans during the general session at the 2017 CLA Annual Meeting in California this week. During the announcement, he said he is “proud to have represented the industry,” during his tenure as CEO. Vroom will continue to …

Soybean Growers Want Dicamba Damage Answers

Dan Environment, Industry News Release, Soybeans

The American Soybean Association is demanding more answers regarding dicamba drift damage. ASA President Ron Moore this week addressed dicamba drift in a statement. Moore says the issue “isn’t going away,” and is “only getting worse.” The Association says it is supporting research at land grant universities to find answers. Moore says the independent research is needed, as well as …