Giant African Land Snail Quarantine Established in Lee County

Dan Division of Plant Industry (DPI), Environment, Florida, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS)

(FDACS/TALLAHASSEE, FL/March 16, 2023) — The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and its Division of Plant Industry (DPI) announced that a quarantine has been established in specific areas of Lee County in response to previously detected Giant African Land Snails (GALS). Under the quarantine, it is unlawful to move a giant African land snail or a regulated article, including, but …

Florida Applications for Conservation Easement Funding are Due March 17

Dan Conservation, Environment, Florida, Forestry, Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), USDA-NRCS

Florida landowners in the St. Marks and Aucilla watersheds interested in protecting the conservation values of their land are being reminded the application deadline for conservation easement funding through the Red Hills to the Coast – Connecting Land and Water project is Friday, March 17, 2023. Led by the Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, in partnership with the U.S. …

Florida Lawmakers Seek to Curb China Land Purchases

Dan Agri-Business, Florida, Legislative, Regulation

(NSF/TALLAHASSEE, FL/March 15, 2023) — The Florida Senate has started fast-tracking a proposal that would bar the sale of agricultural land and property within 20 miles of military bases to interests tied to the Chinese government or other nations on a list of “countries of concern.” The bill (SB 264), which passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, also would …

Virtual Workshops on CSP Being Held Thursday in Florida

Dan Conservation, Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Environment, Florida, USDA-NRCS

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida is hosting two virtual workshops on Thursday, March 16. They are designed for an overview of the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) for agricultural producers and non-industrial, private forest landowners. The first session will run from 2pm to 4pm Eastern, the second session (the same presentation as the first) will be from 6pm to 8pm Eastern. The agenda for …

DeSantis, Florida Cabinet Approve Land Deals

Dan Conservation, Florida

(NSF/TALLAHASSEE, FL/March 13, 2023) — Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state Cabinet on Monday approved plans to spend more than $46 million to help keep from development 21,000 acres in five counties. The deals included two land purchases under the Florida Forever program and acquiring three conservation easements, which will allow landowners to continue cattle and hunting operations in exchange …

Livestock Market Reports for Week Ended 03-10-2023

Dan Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Florida, Georgia

Here are the weekly livestock market reports for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the week ended March 11, 2023, compiled by the Livestock Market News Service for all three states. AL Livestock Market Report: At Alabama Livestock Auctions, for the week ended March 10, 2023, receipts at 21 markets totaled an estimated 11,200 head compared to 9,216 last week and …

Disaster Assistance Available to Florida Producers Impacted by Hurricane Ian

Dan Economy, Florida, USDA

(USDA/Polk County, FL/March 10, 2023) — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited a citrus grove in Polk County, Florida to survey the impact of Hurricane Ian and meet with producers impacted by the storm. During the visit, the Secretary highlighted efforts by the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help Florida producers rebuild their operations and increase their bottom lines as they …

USDA-NRCS in Florida Hosting Two Virtual Workshops on CSP

Dan Conservation, Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Environment, Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Florida, USDA-NRCS

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida will host two virtual workshops on the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). These are designed for an overview of the CSP for agricultural producers and non-industrial, private forest landowners. They will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2023. The first session will be from 2pm to 4pm Eastern, the second session, which will be the same presentation …

Florida Beef Cattle Short Course Coming in May

Dan Beef, Cattle, Florida

The University of Florida’s Department of Animal Sciences will host the 72nd Annual Florida Beef Cattle Short Course on May 10-12, 2023. The Short Course is considered to be one of the premier beef cattle educational events in the Southeast and Gulf Coast regions with significance nationally and globally. Producers, extension specialists and agents, researchers, students, and allied industry members are welcome to …

DeSantis Remarks to Florida Legislative Open Session

Dan Florida, Legislative

(NSF/TALLAHASSEE, FL/March 7, 2023) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday gave his State of the State address to open the legislative session. Here are his remarks, as prepared for delivery: Mr. Speaker, Madam President, members of the Legislature and fellow citizens: It is my duty under the Constitution to inform the Legislature concerning the condition of the state and …