Cotton Growers Facing High Costs

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Georgia

Georgia cotton growers intend to plant a few more acres than last year despite higher input costs, according to Georgia Cotton Commission Executive Director Richey Seaton.

Discussing the Peanut Posted Price

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

While the posted price for peanuts held steady this week, there are still concerns of how this will run in the future. Tyron Spearman has more.  Report (:36 wma)

Stacking Up Peanuts

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Peanut supplies are piling up. Tyron Spearman has this Report.  (:26 wma)

Peanut Crop Update

Randall Weiseman Peanuts

Tyron Spearman has a look at the latest peanut planting numbers.  Report (:25 wma)