Cotton Plus Offers Financing & More

Randall Weiseman Cotton

If you are a cotton grower, then the new Cotton Plus program through the Delta & Pine Land business unit of Monsanto may be just for you. Their cotton marketing manager, Brad Godwin, explains how it all works.  Report (1:00 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, …

Cotton Conference Coming Up

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Georgia

The Georgia Cotton Conference is coming up January 29 and 30 in Tifton. More information is available on the Georgia Cotton Commission website. Report(1:00 mp3) This post sponsored by: Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Veto Threat Concerns Ag Leaders

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The heads of both the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Cotton Council are expressing concern about the administration’s threatened veto of the Farm Bill as it currently stands. Report (1:00 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

January Crop Forecast

Randall Weiseman Cotton, Crop Forecasts

USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service released the January 1 forecast for the U.S. cotton crop this morning, and according to Shiela Corley with the NASS office in Washington D.C.. Report (2:50 mp3) This post sponsored by: USDA NASS Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

NCC Provides Farm Bill Update

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The 2007 Farm Bill will have a major impact on cotton growers, so an update on the current status of the bill was a major part of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences this week in Nashville. Report (1:00 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Dow Welcomes New Staff Member

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The Technical Exhibit area of the Beltwide Cotton Conference is where you will find Dr. Steve Brown this week in his new position with Dow Agri Science. I talked with Steve about his many years with the University of Georgia and why he made the career change.  Report (2:15 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester …

Farm Bill Discussed at Beltwide Cotton Conference

Randall Weiseman Cotton

The 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conference continues in Nashville, Tennessee where one topic of discussion this week has of course been the farm bill. I had a chance to catch up with National Cotton Council President & CEO, Mark Lange and he updates growers where things stand at this time.  Report (2:40 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester …

USDA Ag Census Provides Valuable Information

Dan Alabama, Cattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Dairy, Field Crops, Florida, Forestry, General, Georgia, Livestock, Nursery Crops, Peanuts, Pork, Poultry, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Vegetables

As a producer you should of received your Ag Census form in the mail, and you are urged to complete it and return it by the deadline.  Tyron Spearman tells us today just how important this census is.  Report (:45 mp3) This post sponsored by: USDA NASS Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst …

Headline for Cotton

Randall Weiseman Cotton

Headlining the Beltwide Cotton Conference this week was the news that BASF’s Headline fungicide is now registered for cotton. Report (1:00 mp3) Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly 1, 2024TriEst Ag Group: Partners in ProfitabilityApril 1, 2024

Stallings Crop Insurance Hosts Grower Mtgs in N FL, GA, AL

Gary Cooper Alabama, Corn, Cotton, Field Crops, Florida, General, Georgia, Peanuts, Soybeans, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

Sponsoring this special announcement: Agriculture producers in North Florida and throughout the Wiregrass region of southwest Georgia and southern Alabama are invited to attend any of six grower meetings being hosted in coming days by Stallings Crop Insurance. Learn more about the meeting agenda, times, places and dates here. Sponsored ContentNuseed Carinata Covers New GroundAugust 29, 2024CIR Agriculture Harvester ProductsJuly …