USDA: Adult Obesity Increased During Pandemic

Dan This Land of Ours

An additional effect on our health from the pandemic. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. USDA’s Economic Research Service reports behavior changes during the pandemic exacerbated an already existing adult obesity epidemic. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in 2020, studies using limited online surveys found evidence of weight gain among U.S. adults. However, because the pandemic surveys did not represent …

Farm Dog of the Year Nominations Closing Soon

Dan This Land of Ours

Nominations are closing soon, for a farm bureau honor for your four-legged friends. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. If you haven’t nominated your pup for the Farm Dog of the Year, now’s the time. Nominations close on July 15. Farm Dog of the Year is an annual competition held by the American Farm Bureau Federation and supported by Purina. …

NMPF: Prioritize Food Access at Hunger Conference

Dan Dairy, This Land of Ours

Prioritizing a discussion on food access. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) recently led eleven national agriculture, anti-hunger, nutrition, and medical groups in a virtual listening session with the White House on food access. The White House is holding its Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in September, and the groups want …

USDA-Cost of a Home-Grilled Cheeseburger up from 2021

Dan Beef, Economy, This Land of Ours, USDA-ERS

Grilling season is underway, and the cost of the homemade cheeseburger is going up. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. Home-grilled cheeseburgers, a summer cookout staple, will cost consumers more this summer. USDA’s Economic Research Service says the ingredients for a home-prepared 1/4-pound cheeseburger totaled $2.07 per burger, with ground beef making up the largest cost at $1.20. This represents …

Global Appetite for Pork

Dan Exports/Imports, Pork, This Land of Ours

Increasing the global taste for pork. That’s today’s This Land of Ours. There’s a global appetite for U.S. pork, so National Pork Board uses Pork Checkoff funds to advance international product promotion along with the U.S. Meat Export Federation. The Pork Board’s Vice President of International Market Development Courtney Knupp says the strategy is two-fold. “First to differentiate U.S. pork …

Brewer’s Yeast to Cut Methane

Dan Beef, Cattle, Dairy, Environment, Greenhouse Gas, Livestock, This Land of Ours

A good use for leftover brewer’s yeast. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Brewer’s yeast used to make beer is typically discarded once it’s no longer needed. Sometimes, though, the leftover yeast is mixed into livestock feed as a source of protein and vitamins. Now, there may be even more reason to continue this practice, according to findings …

Forcing Compliance on Trade Policies

Dan Regulation, This Land of Ours, Trade

Making Canada Stick to Dairy Trade Policies. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Last month, the U.S. Trade Representative’s office initiated the second U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement dispute regarding Canadian dairy tariff-rate quota policies. The U.S. is requesting dispute settlement consultations regarding Canada’s dairy tariff-rate quota, or TRQ allocation measures. The TRQs deny allocation access to eligible applicants, including retailers, …

Keep Kids Fed Act Passed in Both Chambers of Congress

Dan Education, Legislative, Regulation, This Land of Ours

A bill to help keep kids fed moves forward. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The House and Senate each passed the Keep Kids Fed Act this month, but the bill had to return to the House because the Senate version was slightly different. The Hagstrom Report says the House passed the Senate’s version of the bill that …

Rep. Thompson on Priorities for Agriculture, Climate

Dan Agri-Business, Climate Change, Legislative, This Land of Ours

Priorities for agriculture and the climate. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The House Agriculture Committee recently discussed The Role of Climate Research in Agricultural Resiliency.” Ranking Member, Representative Glenn G.T. Thompson gave his four guiding principles on the matter. “Climate policies need to benefit producers, our farmers, our ranchers, and foresters primarily. Whatever we do when it …

Representative David Scott on Climate and Agriculture

Dan Climate Change, Environment, This Land of Ours

The climate and agricultural resilience. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. The House Agriculture Committee recently held a hearing titled “The Role of Climate Research in Agricultural Resiliency.” In his opening statement, Chairman Representative David Scott of Georgia gave his thoughts on the importance of the topic. “Climate change poses a threat to our farmers, ranchers, and foresters; …