Crossing Two of Summer’s Favorite Berries

Dan Fruits, Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom explains what you get when you cross two of summer’s favorite berries. She also tells you how to plant and care for this wonderful fruit. That’s coming up on This La nd of Ours. If you’re a fan of midsummer raspberries and late summer blackberries, then you’re going to love hybrid offspring of these two berry favorites… loganberries. …


The Fuss-Free Herb to Grow in Your Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

If you are searching for something that doesn’t take much work to grow, Cathy Isom discusses a relatively fuss-free herb to grow in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. When it comes to herbs, sage is a culinary favorite, but there’s much more to this wonderful plant than just dinner.  Sage has antiseptic properties and can …

backyard weeds

Weeds With High Medicinal Value

Dan This Land of Ours

If you are into foraging, Cathy Isom has some great tips about a few medicinal weeds in your backyard. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. If there’s weeds growing in the yard, there’s a good chance they could have medicinal properties. So before yanking them out or controlling with weed killer, consider these facts. Dandelions for example, are …


Pesky Critter Known for Attacking Plants

Dan This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom tells you about the pesky garden critter known for attacking plants from the ground up. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. If you’ve noticed that your garden isn’t thriving like it should, you may have a cutworm problem.  A cutworm is the caterpillar state (or larvae) of a variety of nocturnal moths. These moths don’t usually …