Picking the Right Perennials for Long-Lasting Blooming Power

Dan Nursery Crops, This Land of Ours

Picking the right perennials for long-lasting blooming power.  That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Everyone wants to enjoy beautiful blooms in the garden as long as possible. So it’s best to choose the right plants that will give the longest-lasting blooming flowers for years to come. The flowers of ‘Irish Eyes’ gloriosa daisy are yellow with green centers, …

Growing Better Broccoli May Involve Trial and Error

Dan Field Crops, This Land of Ours

Cathy Isom fills you in during todays This Land of Ours program how to grow better broccoli. Learning how to grow broccoli usually involves some trial and error.  Most gardeners spend several seasons learning how to grow it.  This is because garden broccoli has more precise cultural requirements compared to other vegetables. On every level – timing, soil fertility, spacing, …

How to Encourage More Ladybugs into Your Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

Todays This Land of Ours program has Cathy Isom letting you know how to encourage more Ladybugs into your garden. Ladybugs can be your garden’s best friend, because these beautiful creatures with jazzy wing markings love to eat pests! Such as aphids, for example, which are known to destroy many plants and flowers. It’s tempting to panic at the first …

Increase Your Harvest Using Your Own Hands

Dan Pollinators, This Land of Ours

Todays This Land of Ours program Cathy Isom gives you a few tips about how to increase your harvest using your own hands. When our plants are having a little bit of trouble bearing fruit, even if the flowers bloom, it could be a sign that they need a little help from us in the form of hand pollination.  Many …

Popular Cooking Oil That Boasts Healthful Benefits

Dan Specialty Crops, This Land of Ours

On todays This Land of Ours program, Cathy Isom lets you know what a recent study is revealing about a popular cooking oil that boasts healthful benefits. Consumer demand is rising for all things avocado, including oil made from the fruit. Avocado oil is a great source of vitamins, minerals and the type of fats associated with reducing the risk …

The Best Varieties of Squash to Grow in Your Garden

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Summer squash is great for sautéing, baking, raw, and throwing on the grill. Whether you want something small and sweet or large and robust, there’s a squash out there for you. Cousa are sometimes referred to as Middle Eastern or Lebanese squash. This variety is blocky or squat in shape and great for stuffing, grilling, or stir-frying. It also makes …

Growing Your Own Supply of Ramps

Josh McGill This Land of Ours

Ramps – also known as wild leeks – are a cousin of onions, leeks, scallions and shallots. When you taste them you’ll realize why people love to forage for them. Ramps thrive in low mountain altitudes where there is rich, moist soil, from Georgia to Canada. But it is possible to grow your own ramp patch at home by building …