Georgia Cattlemen’s Association

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association to Hold Annual Convention in March

Dan Cattle, Event, Georgia, Georgia Cattlemen’s Association (GCA)

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association
Courtesy of Georgia Cattlemen’s Association

The Georgia Cattlemen’s Association (GCA) will hold their 63rd Annual Convention March 12-14 at the Augusta Marriott Convention center in Augusta.

This year’s theme is “Raising the Steaks”, and the GCA staff hopes to see you all there. They note it will be another great event packed with education, networking and entertainment. There will be something for everyone, with topics ranging from a legislative update, legacy & estate planning, or watching some junior members square off in a beef quiz bowl.


Take part in the legislative breakfast where you’ll receive updates from NCBA and the Georgia Agribusiness Council and then plan to stay for Friday morning’s leadership breakfast where you can learn more about the role you play within GCA and of course spend time talking with folks in the Trade Show area.

To register and learn more about the 63rd Annual GCA Convention, click here.