American Agriculture

American Agriculture History Minute: Ohio Early Corn Production Leader

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, Corn, This Land of Ours

American Agriculture
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I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute.

American Agriculture History Minute: Ohio Early Corn Production Leader

Once early settlers crossed the Appalachians, many had had enough of that kind of rough travel and settled in what is now eastern and central Ohio. 

Europeans continued to rely on agriculture as a primary means of feeding their families and of course, withstanding the winter to come. Most raised wheat and corn.


By 1849, Ohio produced more corn than any other state and it ranks second in wheat production. Farmers in southern Ohio also had the climate to raise tobacco, a highly sought-after crop believed to have many medicinal qualities.

That’s today’s American Agriculture History Minute. I’m Mark Oppold. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next time.