
American Agriculture History Minute: What the First Europeans Saw When Landing in the New World

Dan American Agriculture History Minute, This Land of Ours

I’m Mark Oppold with an American Agriculture History Minute.

Discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, 1844 Exhibition of Painting. Magasin Pittoresque 1844.
DepositPhotos image

Contrary to what many believe or were taught, the land the first Europeans saw when landing in the New World did not consist entirely of untouched land and pristine forests. Native American Indians had been skillfully changing the landscape primarily by fire.


In addition, since there were no hand tools or even draft animals, of course, the natives settled in what are now floodplains near major rivers. Spring flooding helped renew soil fertility. Ashes from burning trees, burning shrubs and grasses served as additional fertilizer.

It’s all part of American agriculture history.

That’s today’s American Agriculture History Minute. I’m Mark Oppold. Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next time.