
Cotton Crop Estimate Drops Slightly

Dan Cotton, USDA-NASS

Image by casadaphoto/DepositPhotos

All cotton production is forecasted at 14.5 million 480-pound bales, down 4 percent from the previous estimate but up 20 percent from the previous year. Based on conditions as of September 1, yields are expected to average 807 pounds per harvested acre, down 33 pounds from the previous estimate and down 92 pounds from 2023. All cotton planted area totaled 11.2 million acres, up slightly from the previous forecast and up 9 percent from 2023. Area harvested is estimated at 8.63 million acres, up slightly from the previous forecast and up 34 percent from last year.

By September 1, thirty?seven percent of the Nation’s cotton had open bolls, 7 percent ahead of last year and 6 percent ahead of the 5?year average. Forty?four percent of the 2024 cotton acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, 4 percent above the previous week and 13 percent above the previous year.

Cotton production in Georgia is forecast at 2.05 million bales, down 6 percent from last year. In Alabama, production is estimated at 715,000 bales, down 2 percent from 2023. Florida production is expected to total 115,000 bales, 4 percent above last year.

Listen to USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Becky Sommer’s report.