
Cotton Condition Improving, Peanuts Ahead of Pace

Dan Commodities, Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

Agriculture, open harvest stage cotton bolls at sunset.
Image by Wirestock/DepositPhotos image

Rain in some of the major cotton growing areas has helped the overall crop. According to USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey, the condition of the cotton crop is improving.

And Rippey has the latest on the peanut crop.

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statics Service (NASS), this is how the cotton and peanut crops were progressing across the Southeast as of this past Sunday:


In Alabama, cotton squaring is 88 percent, which compares to 91 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average being 87 percent. Cotton setting bolls is 54 percent, which compares to 54 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average is 48 percent. Peanuts pegging at 78 percent, which compares to 69 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 77 percent.

In Florida, cotton squaring is 80 percent, which compares to 88 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average being 82 percent. Cotton setting bolls is 48 percent, which compares to 44 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average is 42 percent. Peanuts pegging at 84 percent, which compares to 92 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 88 percent.

In Georgia, cotton squaring is 85 percent, which compares to 85 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average being 88 percent. Cotton setting bolls is 44 percent, which compares to 40 percent this time last year, with the 5-year average is 48 percent. Peanuts pegging at 89 percent, which compares to 84 percent this time last year and the 5-year average is 89 percent.