
GCC Executive Director Discusses Farm Bill

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

By Clint Thompson


Like other crop specific organizations, the Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC) anxiously awaits the next farm bill.

Taylor Sills, GCC executive director, discussed this important piece of legislation that growers are hopeful will get passed sometime this year.

Taylor Sills

The farm bill will be one of the many topics set to be discussed at this year’s mid-year meeting on July 24 in Statesboro, Georgia. Registration remains open for the Georgia Cotton Commission’s (GCC) mid-year meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 24 at the Nesmith-Lane Conference Center in Statesboro, Georgia.

There is no charge to attend. Pre-registration is requested to help with meal plans.  Register online at  or call the Commission’s Office at (478) 988-4235.

Click here for additional information.