
Cotton, Peanut Condition Update

Dan Commodities, Cotton, Field Crops, Peanuts, USDA-NASS

Image by zhengzaishuru/DepositPhotos

Cotton and peanut crops across the Southeast continue to grow. And according to USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg, the nation’s cotton crop is improving. 

According to the USDA National Agricultural Statics Service (NASS), this is where cotton and peanut condition ratings across the Southeast stood as of this past Sunday: 

In Alabama, cotton condition is rated as 2 percent excellent, 67 percent good, 28 percent fair and only 3 percent is rated poor. The peanut crop is rated 2 percent excellent, 69 percent good, 27 percent fair and only 2 percent poor. 


In Florida, cotton condition is rated as 42 percent good, 48 percent fair, 9 percent poor and 1 percent rated very poor. The peanut crop is rated 57 percent good, 36 percent fair and 7 percent poor. 

In Georgia, cotton condition is rated as 6 percent excellent, 53 percent good, 31 percent fair, 8 percent poor and 2 percent is rated very poor. The peanut crop is rated 3 percent excellent, 54 percent good, 30 percent fair, 10 percent poor and 3 percent poor.