
Slow Down: Georgia Cotton Producers Be Careful Not to Make Mistakes

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

georgia cotton
Spraying young cotton plants in a field
By Balefire9/DepositPhotos image
georgia cotton

The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension Cotton Team implore producers to be properly prepared when finishing out this planting season.

Some growers may be behind in their planting schedules following excessive rainfall this spring. Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, says the worst thing those farmers can do now is to be in a hurry and commit self-inflicted mistakes.

“I told my crew (recently) that whenever we’re in a hurry like we are today is when mistakes happen. Whenever we get behind on stuff is whenever we start getting in that hurry,” Hand said. “‘I’ve got to catch up on all of this stuff.’ That’s whenever we make mistakes. Still keep in mind the little things whenever we are able to get back in the field and not mixing up jugs or spraying the wrong thing on this field; making sure we’re still doing the little things to be successful. “This is not shaping up to be the kind of year where we can afford a bunch of screwups.”

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.