May NASS Cotton Crop Lower

Dan Cotton, Crop Forecasts, USDA-NASS


The final 2023 USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) production for all cotton is estimated at 12.1 million 480?pound bales, 17 percent lower than the 2022 crop. The United States yield for all cotton is estimated at 899 pounds per acre, down 54 pounds from the previous year.

Final production in Georgia totaled 2.18 million bales, down 18 percent from the previous season.  In Alabama, production totaled 730,000 bales, a decrease of 12 percent from 2022.  In Florida, 111,000 bales were produced, 33 percent below last year. This is Becky Sommer with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

May NASS Cotton Crop Lower