The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Georgia (NRCS-GA) is requesting proposals to assist with implementing some key priorities. The objective of this Notice of Funding is to obtain Technical Services and Projects to enhance Conservation Technical Assistance and Farm Bill Program Delivery across Georgia. But, proposals for this funding are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on March 23, 2024.
Conservation minded organizations who wish to apply, should demonstrate how they can ensure equity in the delivery and implementation of all NRCS programs and Services; increase assistance for climate-smart agriculture and forestry to support producers in building resiliency across their operations; expand conservation tools and support to address the unique needs of urban farmers and communities nationwide; cultivate a complete and diverse workforce that has the right tools, technologies, and training to uphold the scientific integrity of NRCS; leverage innovative partnerships to expand NRCS’s ability to get conservation on the ground effectively and efficiently.
NRCS-GA anticipates funding approximately $7,500,000 this fiscal year 2024 for one to four year projects that address topics such as Soil Health; Urban Agriculture and Conservation Education; Forestry Implementation; Pollinator Habitat Enhancement; Wildlife Habitat Enhancement; Georgia Native Warm Season Grasses; as well as Aquatic/Water Quality.
Potential applicants should review the Georgia NRCS Technical for Fiscal Year 2024 announcement of funding, USDA-NRCS-GA-MULTI-24-NOFO0001349. It includes application materials and submission procedures.
For further questions about this funding opportunity, please contact Eric Purifoy at eric.purifoy@usda.gov with a copy to NFO.FPAC@USDA.GOV.