Registration Ongoing for Georgia Peanut Tour

Dan Agri-Business, Education, Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC), Peanuts


By Clint Thompson


The Georgia Peanut Commission (GPC) reminds growers and industry leaders that registration is ongoing for the upcoming Georgia Peanut Tour, scheduled for Sept. 12-14 in Bainbridge, Georgia, and the surrounding area.

Chris Butts, chairman of this year’s tour, highlighted what attendees can expect when attending this year’s event.

Tractor pulling a combine harvesting peanuts
By Wellford Tiller/Shutterstock

“This is the tour to highlight to our buyers of peanuts and others affiliated with the industry that don’t normally get to see peanuts growing and that kind of thing, it gives them an idea what all goes in to making the peanut crop. It gives them an overall picture of what we expect the crop to be like this year. That is our stated purpose for the tour,” Butts said. “We will be stopping on some farms. We’ll be looking at harvesting, digging and combining. We will also get some input from our county agents down in that area about what the peanut crop means to the farmers down there and what it means to the general economy in those counties.”


The first day will include a hot topics seminar session in the afternoon at the Cloud Livestock Pavilion in Bainbridge. The theme will focus on advancements in integrative precision agriculture. The tour on Sept. 13 and 14 will include stops at the University of Georgia Attapulgus Research Station, a solar facility, peanut processing facility and at various grower fields.

General registration costs $150 with sales ending on Sept. 7. Click here to register.

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.