U.S. Tractor Sales Growth Softens

Dan Agri-Business, Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), Economy

tractor sales
Photo by Roger Starnes Sr on Unsplash

Self-propelled combine sales continued to increase in the U.S. while total farm tractor unit sales declined in July. The latest data from the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) says overall unit sales of U.S. combines rose almost 11 percent compared to July 2022, while tractor sales dropped five percent. The tractor decline was driven largely by the softness in the smaller horsepower segment.

“We’re still seeing moderate growth in the traditional ag market that has shown a steady rise all year in North America,” says Curt Blades, AEM senior vice president.

So far this year, tractors are down more than nine percent in the U.S., while combines are up 41 percent.