Senators Split Over Including Cattle Market Reform in Farm Bill

Dan Beef, Cattle, Farm Bill, Legislative, Marketing


The two main sponsors of cattle marketing reform legislation are now split over whether to try to include the measure in the farm bill. Senator Chuck Grassley says his chief co-sponsor of the Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act now wants to take a different path.

“Senator Fischer, one of our main leaders in this area, has told the leadership of the committee that she doesn’t want it included in the farm bill. So, with her saying that, it’s pretty difficult for us to move ahead for it.”

Fisher’s office didn’t respond for comment in time for this story. But Grassley says he could still bring up the measure during farm bill debate, as enough Ag senators support the bill to help independent producers through regional negotiated pricing.


And Grassley’s counting on Montana Democrat Jon Tester pressing Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for floor time on a freestanding bill.

“He needs that legislation to get reelected, and I would think Schumer would want to do all he could to help Tester get reelected, because it’s very much a Republican state.”

And as for the Senate Ag Committee moving a farm bill.

“I think that it probably will be early October. I haven’t seen enough movement yet to say that it could be done in September.”

House Ag Chair GT Thompson plans to move his farm bill through committee next month, though appropriations fights could eat up floor time needed for a farm bill in September, when current farm law expires.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)