ASI Applauds Support for Checkoffs

Dan American Sheep Industry Association (ASI), Economy, Marketing, Sheep-Goats


The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) welcomed last week’s news that Rep. Barry Moore of Alabama introduced a resolution in support of checkoff funds, such as the American Lamb Board.

“Checkoff programs have made significant, measurable strides in raising the level of demand and awareness for our farmers, ranchers and foresters’ products,” said Moore. “This resolution expresses congressional support for checkoffs due to the research, education and promotion efforts they have provided to our producers.”

The resolution highlights each of the 22 authorized research and promotion boards, including ALB.

“Whereas the American Lamb Board returns $14.20 for every $1 invested,” the resolution states. “Whereas the American Lamb Board is partnering with Michigan and Colorado State Universities to invest significant resources into sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction as well as mechanization of quality evaluation in lamb processing systems.”


The American sheep industry voted twice in nationwide referendums to implement and continue the American Lamb Checkoff.

“The approval was resounding in each referendum and successful on both the individual sheep producer count and volume of lamb production count,” said ASI Executive Director Peter Orwick. “This alone is testament that our industry supports the lamb checkoff system as we designed it to fit our business. Sheep producers, lamb feeders and lamb packing companies all pay the promotion checkoff and all three segments have a say in the direction of the American lamb programs.”

ASI is joined by a host of agricultural associations in supporting the resolution.