The 2023 Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo is just six weeks away. And while this year’s event will be held in a new location, the Florida State Fair Grounds in Tampa, it will still provide the same great traditions of learning and networking. The two-day event, August 16 & 17, will provide educational seminars for commercial growers and industry members.

Seminar sessions will be held both days, including a general session and concurrent citrus and vegetable/specialty crop sessions. The seminar planning committee has strived to provide the hottest topics for both citrus and specialty crop growers. Sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 16th.

And specialty crop growers won’t want to miss this year’s Expo. The event, which originally focused solely on citrus, expanded its educational sessions five years ago to include specialty crops. Each year, AgNet Media has continued to grow that side of the event. And with the new venue this year, the Expo aims to bring specialty crop growers the best show yet with more specialty crop exhibitors, more relevant educational seminars and a larger meeting space.
And like previous years, Florida FFA officers will serve as volunteers at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo in Tampa.
Highlights of this year’s seminar schedule is available on the Citrus Expo website.