Nutrient Needs for Cotton

Dan Cotton, Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)


By Clint Thompson

The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia Cotton Team remind producers about early-season nutrient needs.

Most, if not all, of this year’s crop has been planted. It requires a steady amount of nutrients to continue growing.

Glen Harris, University of Georgia (UGA) professor and Extension agronomist in environmental soil and fertilizer, focuses on the two main nutrient requirements that producers should be concerned with this early in the season.


“The biggest thing to me is, hopefully, they put the right amount of potash potassium out. I don’t like to wait too long to put it out. Nitrogen wise, we don’t want to cut back too much on that. We want to make sure we give it a good shot of nitrogen at sidedress time,” Harris said. “We get caught up with what they put in the furrow and all this other stuff, you don’t want to forget the basics you know. Nitrogen and potash are what really make yield when it comes to fertilizing cotton. “You want to have it out there when it’s going to need it. That’s the biggest thing. Potassium doesn’t go anywhere so you can put it out now and it’ll be there when it needs it. With nitrogen, we do like to split it because that can get away from us. We’ll put some now and some at sidedress time.”

About the Author

Clint Thompson

Multimedia Journalist for AgNet Media Inc.