Cotton Production Meetings Upcoming

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

Camp Hand

By Clint Thompson

The Georgia Cotton Commission and University of Georgia (UGA) Extension are reminding farmers and industry leaders about the annual county production meetings scheduled over the next couple of months.

Camp Hand, UGA Extension cotton agronomist, discusses the importance of the meetings which are scheduled across the state.

What Can Be Expected?

“I think it’s 47 meetings across the state in all the cotton-producing regions of the state of Georgia. We’re looking forward to getting on the road. It’s the second year we’ve done it since COVID, so we’re happy to be doing that again,” Hand said. “I think the importance of coming to these meetings really lies in what we’re staring into next year. Last year we were coming into this time of year knowing that inputs are high, some things are going to be short, we’re going to have to make things work. But the good thing was that the cotton price was still high.

“The difference this year is that inputs are still pretty high, almost at the level they were this time a year ago, but the cotton price is below 90 cents, which is vastly different from where we were one year ago at this point. It hit almost $1.30 a year ago. Now it’s starting to get a little more real just because the potential isn’t quite there to get that kind of price.

“That’s one reason I think it’s important to come to these meetings to find out, is there something I’m spending money on that maybe I shouldn’t? What are some of the new practices that maybe I can save on input costs? Those are the kind of things I think we’re coming into this year.”

Research pertaining to fertility, diseases, insects and agronomy will be highlighted as well.

Those interested in attending can contact their local Extension office to know when a meeting will be held in their county.