There are some new options for Southeast cotton growers. Sabrina Halvorson talks with Bayer Crop Science Deltapine Product Manager Eric Best for details.
From Deltapine:
The Deltapine® brand Class of ’23 cotton varieties showcase the move to bring to market high-performing genetics in the newest biotech trait platform — Bollgard 3 ThryvOn™ Cotton with XtendFlexÒ Technology.
Announced at the annual Deltapine New Product Evaluator (NPE) Summit, the Deltapine Class of ’23 features two new Bollgard 3 ThryvOn Cotton with XtendFlex Technology varieties along with three new BollgardÒ 3 XtendFlexÒ cotton varieties, continuing the brand’s 15-year history of bringing grower-proven products to market through the NPE Program.
The Deltapine Class of ’23 also represents a strong native trait package, including a new Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton variety with resistance to root-knot nematode and bacterial blight. Four of the new cotton varieties demonstrate resistance to bacterial blight, and all five of them show moderate tolerance to Verticillium wilt.
“The Deltapine Class of ’23 cotton varieties mark another step forward for the entire cotton industry, both from a new trait platform standpoint and in our continuing efforts to raise the bar on yield and fiber quality expectations in Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton varieties offered by the Deltapine brand,” said Eric Best, Deltapine cotton product manager. “The most recent classes of Deltapine brand cotton varieties have demonstrated strong performance on farms, and we are now bringing that diversity of high-performing germplasm into the newest biotech trait platform as well.”
The Deltapine Class of ’23 cotton varieties are:
- DP 2333 B3XF (tested in NPE as 20R733B3XF) is an impressive mid-maturity Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton variety for the Mid-South, Southeast and South Texas markets that showed resistance to bacterial blight and outstanding yield potential in NPE plots. This new cotton variety also showed excellent fiber quality potential and delivered farm-record yield averages for several NPE growers.
- DP 2328 B3TXF (tested in NPE as 21R4132B3TXF) is a mid-maturity Bollgard 3 ThryvOn™ Cotton with XtendFlex Technology variety fitting the Mid-South, Southeast, and Upper Gulf Coast and Brazos Bottom regions of Texas, offering moderate resistance to bacterial blight.
- DP 2317 B3TXF (tested in NPE as 21R4127B3TXF) is an early-maturity Bollgard 3 ThryvOn Cotton with XtendFlex Technology variety for the Mid-South and Texas markets, offering outstanding fiber quality potential and resistance to bacterial blight.
- DP 2335 B3XF (tested in NPE as 21R635B3XF) is a mid-maturity Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton variety for West Texas markets with resistance to bacterial blight and moderate tolerance to Verticillium wilt.
- DP 2349NR B3XF (tested in NPE as 21R649NRB3XF) is a mid-to-full-maturity Bollgard 3 XtendFlex cotton variety for the Southeast, offering resistance to both root-knot nematodes and bacterial blight.
More than 120 NPE cotton growers and their spouses from across the Cotton Belt attended the 2022 Deltapine NPE Summit. For more information about the Deltapine NPE Program, visit Deltapine.com/NPE.
Sabrina Halvorson
National Correspondent / AgNet Media, Inc.
Sabrina Halvorson is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and public speaker who specializes in agriculture. She primarily reports on legislative issues and hosts The AgNet Weekly podcast. Sabrina is a native of California’s agriculture-rich Central Valley.