Nominations for 2022 Georgia Quality Cotton Awards

Clint Thompson Georgia Cotton Commission (GCC)

The Georgia Cotton Commission announced that nominations are being accepted for the 2022 Georgia Quality Cotton Awards. The purpose of the awards is to recognize producers and ginners of high-quality cotton fiber and to identify their general management practices for the benefit of other growers.


Here are some points of information to keep in mind.

  • If you have a cotton gin(s) in your county, please contact the gin(s), give the gin the attached nomination information and encourage them to participate.
  • If you have cotton production in your county, but there is no gin in your county, feel free to contact the gin(s) that your farmers typically do business with. Don’t assume that they will get the information from someone else. Pass along the attached information and encourage them to participate.
  • If you are covering for a vacant county agent position in a neighboring county or you know a neighboring county is without an ANR agent, please get this information to any gins in that county.

The participating gin will identify the nominees from that gin and then contact the county agent in the county where the majority of the producers’ cotton is grown. That county agent will then assist in providing the information needed and submitting the nomination.

Click to View More Info about the Awards  •  Click to Download the Nomination Form

The nomination information and forms are available online at the UGA Cotton web page at

Nominations are due February 15, 2023.