56th Florida Dairy Production Conference is Thursday

Dan Cattle, Dairy, Education, Florida

56th Florida Dairy Production Conference

The 56th Florida Dairy Production Conference will be held Thursday, December 1st at the Straughn Center in Gainesville FL. The Conference started in 1964 and aims to create a program that brings together some of the newest research, innovations, recommendations, and ideas for improving the sustainability and profitability of the Florida dairy industry.

The presented information provides practical take-home messages for dairy farmers and highlights emerging trends in the industry. The conference strives to provide a friendly learning and sharing atmosphere with networking opportunities for our target audience of dairy owners and employees, allied dairy industry professionals, students, and dairy educators that includes great opportunities for networking.

This year’s conference will include aspects of nutrition, reproduction, and calf management, as well as a dedicated afternoon discussing the role of heat stress on dairy cattle production.


Topics and speakers for this year’s Conference include:

  • What Have We Learned About Feed Efficiency in Dairy Cows: Jose Santos, Dept. Animal Sciences, University of Florida
  • Strategic Use Of Ovarian Data to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes Following Timed AI: Rafael Bisinotto, Dept. Large Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida
  • Considering Dairy Calf Social Behavior to Improve Welfare: Emily Miller-Cushon, Dept. Animal Sciences, University of Florida
  • The Impact of Season And Heat Stress On Uterine Disease:John Bromfield. Dept. Animal Sciences, University of Florida
  • Making A Dairy Cow That Is Genetically More Resistant to Heat Stress: Peter Hansen. Dept. Animal Sciences, University of Florida
  • The Impact of Heat Stress On Lactating Dairy Cows:Sha Tao, Dept. Animal & Dairy Science, University of Georgia.